
Posts Tagged ‘moderation’

Good morning beautiful people! I recently got asked to do a guest post over at Fitkit. Staying true to myself I decided to focus on the psychological aspects of staying healthy. If you’re in the mood to find some healthy recipes, workouts or tips (and I mean who isn’t?!) then head on over to the Fit Kit blog! There’s been some amazing bloggers featured on there already- so you’ll be spoiled for choice.

While you’re there why not try out their neat quiz that gives you vitamin and supplement recommendations based on your answers! How sweet is that- you’re getting personalised recommendations for nothing, and in no time! Or if you don’t have time to click through and check out my guest post here, or if you’re trying to look inconspicuous at work or wherever you are being sneaky then I’ll also share it below. Don’t say I never do anything for you!


Guest Post @ FitKit Blog

Okay so getting healthy isn’t too difficult right? Cut out the junk, stock up on fruit and vegetables, move a bit more and eat a bit less. If only it was that easy to stay healthy. See maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the hard part. It’s easy to become healthy for a day or two, but staying healthy for life? Well that’s a challenge. But don’t worry, I’m here to help. How may you ask? Oh well not with fad diets, unattainable goals or ludicrous exercise regimes; but with sustainable techniques that will ensure you continue to live out your healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.

1. Set yourself goals and acknowledge the things you value in your life.

Make sure that these two things aren’t disconnected either- your goals whether they be fitness or food related must align with your life values. Remember being healthy isn’t a temporary diet- it’s a lifestyle!

2. Maintain moderation and balance.

Yep, this! Healthy living is about moderation and balance. In eating, exercise and everything else we do! (Yes that includes things we don’t like to do like cleaning and working ha!).

3. Don’t be harsh on yourself.

Trust me, you cannot be perfect. Wait- you can’t be perfect for long, before everything will come crashing down on you. Miss a day at the gym? Don’t sweat it. Didn’t eat any vegetables today? You will live! It’s okay to enjoy a piece or (heaven forbid) 2 pieces of cake every once in a while. If you’re going to succeed at number 2, you need to realise number 3.

4. Change your thinking.

I am all for the psychological aspect of getting healthy, because if you don’t change your thinking and think healthy thoughts, then you’re actions won’t be healthy either. So much of staying healthy is in the mind.

5. Be realistic and make it sustainable.

Is it really realistic that you’ll be able to live the rest of your life sugar-free? Because that sure ain’t going to work for me! Set yourself goals (number 1) that are realistic. You probably won’t be able to run a marathon without training, but that 10k run is definitely something attainable if you put in the effort. Don’t set yourself up for failure with unrealistic expectations (striving for perfection), but instead make sustainable choices- that’ll you’ll be able to keep up for the rest of your (healthy) life.

Not what you were expecting? Were you waiting for the ‘do ten push ups on every ad break’ or ‘don’t eat bread’ mantras? Hate to burst your bubble but that’s not how you’re going to ‘stay’ healthy, at least not in the long run. I’m all about doing healthy things that make for healthy lifestyles for the rest of your life! And as the fabulous quote says-

I’m sure there’s plenty more fantastic tips to staying healthy, so if you’ve got them I’d love to hear them!

What’s your tip for STAYING healthy?

DAILY HEALTHY THOUGHT: I am going to find happiness in the simple things.

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Okay, so we know I’m a definite foodie by now right? Plus I’m sure you know I have a MAJOR sweet tooth. Well, that tooth- whilst it is still sweet- ain’t raring like it use to. During my dark ED days I would deprive myself of things I wanted and loved all week. And then my sweet tooth would be crazy by Saturday night, to which I’d have my weekly (usually very decadent) dessert. Well those days of deprivation and restriction are over buddy! Plus, the restriction didn’t turn out too well for me either. Anyways, thanks to my ‘no food rules’ philosophy and my focus on balance and moderation I’ve been able to enjoy the sweet things in life (literally) when I felt like it, and not in an unhealthy manner either. As my therapist says ‘I can have my cake and eat it too’.

Obviously NOT what I’m advocating haha!

I’m not saying this as an accomplishment (from an ED part inside of m)e, but rather as evidence that it will happen. I very rarely have decadent or any dessert any more, other than my creations. Plus I don’t even know if you could call that combination that I whip up a dessert anyways- but that’s beside the point, it’s not about categorising or labelling food. Anyways, yes- I’ve hardly had the craving for sweet things anymore. And it’s because I’ve taken away the forbidden allure that sweet food once had. Can you believe that the bf and I haven’t eaten dessert out at a restaurant since the time we went to Il Centro– that’s over 2 months! Plus I haven’t had ‘dessert’ at home since. Sure I’ve enjoyed some creations, snacked on not as healthy foods in moderation- but actually have a sit down and prepared dessert meal…nup. I don’t miss it, and most of the time I don’t need it. Oh and get this, the bf bought be peanut brittle Ben and Jerry’s…only for my brother to eat it! (Sorry to disappoint guys haha). Don’t get me wrong I’m not looking to make any record- I still love sweet stuff but I’ve learnt that I don’t HAVE to have it when I don’t feel like it. It’s not my ONLY chance to eat it. I can eat it whenever I want. Plus I’ve noticed my body runs better on different foods usually.

However, I couldn’t be a self-confessed sweets lover with a pathetic non-dessert-eating streak like that could I? Lucky someone is taking me out somewhere fancy (he told me to get my expectations up haha) this Saturday night to celebrate my end of prac. Plus we have been pretty conservative with our date nights, so it will be fun to dress up and dine in fine form 😉

Anyways, I hope you’ve read this not as encouragement to NOT eat sweet stuff, or as me showing off my ability to control and limit my food choices. That’s not what I’m trying to get at, AT ALL! I’m trying to give you proof, from my own life experiences, that taking away the restriction, forbidden-ness and rules really works. At first though, yeah I probably had my fair share (and your fair share too) of sweet stuff and all the stuff I didn’t typically eat. However, this phase ends- I promise. However, it will only end if you’ve utterly and completely taken away all the restrictions and rules. If you find yourself in the ‘oh yay I can eat what I want now- oh my god is this ever going to stop’ phase, please don’t stop and add back all those restrictions. Just try and listen to your body, your cravings and make rationale decisions. It will not impact your weight forever (as in the temporary gain from eating more than usual), but it will make a difference to your mindset and your life forever. See it as a rebound stage, accept it and then let it happen. You’ll notice that the less you obsess about it the sooner it will pass.


What have you noticed after you took away your food rules? Share your stories!


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