
Egg Flipping Bliss

Body. Is. Sore. Fancy giving me a massage?

Cue.. cute cat picture.



But just think we’re halfway there. It’s Wednesday afternoon which means there’s only 2 days before the weekend. Rejoice!

Before I get into my day, have you entered the super sweet Giveaway? Anyone can enter and you can have more than one entry! So get going people.

I’ve also been thinking a lot about my recent posts on eat responsibly and how eating a cupcake is healthy too. And even though I knew it, writing it and putting it into perspective like that has done wonders to concrete it a little more into my brain [and hopefully put it into action]. Its helped me with some choices of late I’ve had to make.. and yes, I’ll most probably expand on this a little later.

Anyways, my Wednesday started wayyyy too early. 5:30am to be exact for a 6:00am Body Step class. Lucky the members make it so worth it. Plus Body Step is super fun, no matter what time of the day it is.

Then a miracle happened because I managed to come home, shower and get back into my pjs for an extra 45 minutes of blissful, half-awake sleep. But boy when that alarm went off I was considering skipping my weight workout (yes I know, naughty me for doing two consecutive days of weight sessions- my body is paying for it now) but then I remembered the sexy guy I saw in the weight room yesterday, and the fact that I had Body Balance after and hopped out of bed. Ha.

I rewarded myself with a special edition to my breakfast- semi dried tomatoes. Ahhh this seriously made the scramble. [Speaking of tomatoes, I’m determined to make my own homemade cooked salsa- but don’t know how to can, gimme tips/recipes/how-to-can?!].

A full breakfast complete with water and vitamins.

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Oh and check out my awesome pan.

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We’ve always bought Circulon frypans since they’re non-stick, even though we’ve had plenty of issues with them- all our fault though.

First of all we were never told not to use olive oil and last time we purchased one we were put in our place. From then on we only used rice bran oil with it (mum is determined to always use oil- I’m the complete opposite). Then most recently we found out that you aren’t suppose to use high heat with the Circulon pans because it burns the bottom and defies its’ non-stick abilities.

So now we know and hopefully this one will last a little longer. I must admit it was absolute bliss flipping my egg this morning.

Then it was off to do a weight workout- the usual with the adjustments thanks to Tara @ Sweat Like a Pig!<– This girl knows her stuff. Followed by a much needed Body Balance class. Then it was home to foam roll, shower, prepare food for work and head to work.

I’m in a pretty lousy mood at the moment to be honest. My body is aching, it’s hot, I have to work till 10pm tonight and work has clients coming back which I’m less than thrilled about. I know, first world problems. Oh well, we all have these moments and hopefully mine buggers off soon.

I’m off to pep myself up with some blog reading, that always does the trick!

  • What ‘peps’ you up when you’re in a funk?
  • What little adjustment have you made to a meal lately that makes ALL the difference?

Daily Healthy Thought: Just because I feel down does not mean I’m putting myself in a bad situation.

We’ve all got a list of favourite foods that don’t score too high on the nutrient value scale, but let’s be honest they sure are fun and delicious to eat. Mine would look something like:

  • Ice cream
  • Chocolate
  • Baked goods

…you know your usual stuff.

Unfortunately we’ve all succumbed to the mind set that these foods are strictly off limits, and what does that result in? Well for most of us we get stuck in a cycle of deprivation followed by bingeing, which nearly always leads to eating more than if we would have treated ourselves to that one cupcake in the first place. [Um, been there!]



Now you may have vowed to ban cupcakes from your life, but when we break down and have a few, we start feeling guilty and think, ‘well I blew it, so I might as well eat the whole box now’. Sounds like a productive solution right?

Everyone reading this will have been there at some point in their life, or maybe you’re one of those people who has been a restrictive eater for so long that you’re afraid to eat anything. Truthfully, eating small amounts of your favourite treats in moderation [I will slog this mentality hard] can be part of an overall healthy diet.

Sometimes being healthy means forgoing that 3rd piece of cake, having a side salad instead of chips and eating reduced fat dairy. But sometimes being healthy also means having a goddamn cupcake!

So really the bottom line is learning to allow treats into your overall healthy lifestyle. This is something that may take time but be patient! As your confidence boosts, you will find treat food will no longer feel like completely off limits and seductive. You will be in charge of your choices (something I actually will talk about in more detail soon) and will no longer have to deny yourself of favourite food which = guilt free eating at last!!

Now I don’t know about you but as I’ve said before if I want a treat it’s not going to be something pathetic like a soft drink (unless you’re into that kind of stuff). If I want that much sugar, it’s going to be something awesome. Something like a cupcake (double points for an ice-cream cupcake). And you know who makes some of the most gorgeous cupcakes?

The Little Cupcake Company!

Someone from the company contacted me preaching about how important it is to enjoy life’s finer moments (cupcakes included) whilst maintaining your healthy lifestyle (preaching to the choir sister!), and I instantly fell in love. THEN I visited the website and saw some of their amazing cupcake photos..and things got serious.

Um does this not fit in perfectly with my blog design or what?



I’m actually so disappointed that they aren’t Australian based. But that means for all of those whom live in the UK please buy some, eat and enjoy them… and then document the whole experience so I can live vicariously through you yeh?

I might even have to put a visit to their store into my travel agenda for June/July. A perfect way to start of a European holiday, am I right?

And if that isn’t enough here what The Little Cupcake Company’s got to say,

We’ve got the perfect, bite size treat for you. Tantalise your taste buds with The Little Cupcake Company’s gorgeous treats. Their selection of scrumptious handmade cakes are made with only the finest ingredients so they really do taste as good as they look. These cupcakes are beautifully packaged so are ideal as a tasty treat or a gift.  With delivery throughout the UK you can order yours online today and have them delivered straight to your door, so what are you waiting for? Call them today on: 0845 296 9188 or contact them here. Life this way can be sweet indeed.

I think the hardest decision will be which one to try? Or better yet, solve that problem and stock up… to…ugh..eh..share with the family..yes…

For more about The Little Cupcake Company visit their website or like them on Facebook.

  • What’s your favourite flavour cupcake?
  • Do you prefer the icing or the cake? Icing all the way!

** This is a sponsored post. All that is stipulated including my thoughts and actions are entirely my own, and always will be.**