
Posts Tagged ‘knee’

Friday could not have come quick enough! PHEW, this week has been biz-ay. You knew things were going to be a tad quieter around here (for the next 3 weeks only!), and my life has actually been the opposite of that! The kids finally turned rogue yesterday and let’s just say the associate teacher and I were happy to have the day out of the classroom today hah! But before all that, lets get reacquainted.

Where did we leave off? Oh that’s right, winners were announced (hope your tickets made it to you safely ladies!) and I discussed my blessing in disguise, which happened to get checked out at the Physio yesterday afternoon. On Wednesday afternoon I cancelled my physio purely because I was feeling fine and thought I could do some Body Pump to check it out. Things were fine but it was still there, so I decided to be sensible and re-book. Unfortunately… or fortunately, there were no surprises at the physio and I basically paid $80 to learn one stretch I didn’t already know. The physio basically confirmed what I suspected- that I may have a (or a few) minor tears on my groin/hip area and this tendon actually leads down into the inner knee- which is why my knee pain occurred, due to inflammation and strain.

Looking at this I think it was the Sartorius, but really she said a lot of big, complicated words that I can’t remember. The words Gracilis and Pectineus also ring a bell for some reason.


She did some stretches with me, as well as applying some physio cream, laser treatment and using the ultrasound machine for anti-inflammatory.

I also mentioned I sometimes get lower back issues and she said it could be because I have a dancers posture like seen below.

I’d say I’m the second from the left, hopefully it’s not quite as duck-like and obvious as him though! haha

What I need to do is purposely tilt my hips forward when I’m standing and walking. This probably explains why my lower back was worse the other day since I was standing and walking so often- like a bloomin’ duck! After forking over the money, I had been given one extra stretch and reassured that nothing serious is going on, but she did advise I rest it up because it will be tender.

However, I had a step class shortly after and there was no way I was letting my class down again! I managed to do all the high options and the athletic this time and I had pretty much no issues the whole time. God it felt good to push myself! Afterwards my knee was achey and it just needed some ice, elevation and rest I think. Today I decided to keep things light and just did a CXWORX class. I’m not sure if I’m working early tomorrow or gyming it at the moment. I’m hoping to earn some extra $$$ and start early. If so tomorrow will be my recovery day because I was hoping to knock off another Fitness Goal and do body attack for this first time Sunday morning before the Brisbane Fitness & Health Expo! If not, it will be the usual happenings.

My night is going to be pretty low key. Like last week I’m hoping to whip up something new in the kitchen, spend some time with mum watching a girlie movie, catching up on blogs and my blog, and just recover from my first week of prac! Can’t believe I’m a quarter way through! The bf is also away for the night at his folks (bummed I couldn’t go) but has left me a very nice present, which is totally unnecessary but very much appreciated.

Crappy photo courtesy of my bedroom light.

I’m a lucky girl. Oh just what will I spend it on? I’m betting I’ll have no trouble finding something at Lorna Jane’s online store or actual stores.

DAILY HEALTHY THOUGHT: You only get out what you put in.

What’s your posture like? What’s planned for your weekend?

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